James Heckley

James Heckley

Massage Therapist

  • Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science
  • Registered Massage Therapist (2200HR)

James is a 2200-HR Registered Massage Therapist that is currently in the last steps of finishing his practicum requirements to graduate Makami College’s 3000- HR Advanced Clinical Massage Therapy program with high honours. He previously graduated with a Sport and Exercise Science degree from the University of Lethbridge and uses this additional knowledge to provide individualized care and treatment for each of his patients.

James’ treatment philosophy is to assess and treat a variety of conditions while creating long lasting results tailored to you as the patient. He finds this attainable by taking a multidisciplinary care approach to treatment; collaborating with all the different modalities within the Peak Health team to make that treatment philosophy a reality for you.

In his spare time, you can often find James exploring Calgary’s vast restaurant scene, spending quality time with his family, enjoying a tranquil ride on his bike, and living an active outdoor lifestyle. He currently enjoys hiking, bouldering, golfing, playing softball, and competing in a variety of different Spartan Races. Whatever your reason for seeking treatment with James, he will work alongside you to reach attainable treatment goals and set you on a path towards your peak performance and recovery.

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