Kelsey Demmings
Massage Therapist
- Registered Massage Therapist (2200-Hour)
- Bachelors of Kinesiology
Kelsey was born and raised off the coast of the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick. She graduated with a Kinesiology degree at Acadia University, where she developed a passion for therapeutic exercise and sports therapy. She later decided to continue her studies into massage therapy through the Mount Royal University 2200-hr program.
Kelsey’s philosophy of care is to provide personalized treatments to best suit the goals of her patient so that they can participate in the activities that are most important to them. Whether that be performing at a high level, recovering from an injury, or becoming more independent in daily life. Through working on small attainable goals and using an evidence-based approach, Kelsey believes that individuals can reach their peak!
Kelsey’s favorite hobby is eating food in beautiful places. She often gets to those places by running, hiking, skiing, paddling, or biking. She also loves snuggling up with her cats to read an epic fantasy novel! Kelsey can’t wait to meet you!