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Dry Needling Vs. Acupuncture: Which One Is Right For You?

dry needling calgary south

Written By Dr. Sarah Gajecki


At Peak, we offer many different styles of needling techniques offered by a range of practitioners. The needling style and technique are dependent upon their specific training, and experience. I wanted to go over some common questions related to dry needling and acupuncture and shed some light on a few topics that often come up.

What Is The Difference Between Acupuncture and Dry Needling?person getting acupuncture

Dry needling is a practice that has been adapted based on Western medicine that involves the insertion of needles into trigger points of muscles and is based on the principles of anatomy and physiology. Acupuncture is based on meridians of energy and based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. 

There are also many modernized forms of acupuncture that have integrated traditional concepts with a more modern and anatomical approach. The type of needling you will receive (whether it be acupuncture or dry needling) will depend on the training your provider has.

Does Dry Needling Use the Same Needles as Acupuncture?

Dry needling and acupuncture both use very small, thin stainless steel needles that are inserted at various depths depending on the targeted treatment area. The type of needle used in your treatment plan will depend on the area being treated and the style of needling being performed. 

There are however overlaps in the types of needles used! The tool can be the same, however, the technique and delivery of the treatment can vary.

Can Dry Needling Cause Nerve Damage?

In rare instances, dry needling can injure a nerve or blood vessel. This can result in mild pain, numbness or tingling, all of which are temporary and normally dissipate quickly. The most common side effects of needling are just minor soreness or bruising.

What Are The Risks of Dry Needling?

person getting dry needling

Some minor risks of dry needling can include bruising, fainting, fatigue, very minor bleeding, and soreness. All of which are temporary and resolve quickly. In very rare instances a more serious and uncommon risk may occur, such as infection or a pneumothorax – but these occur very infrequently. 

To mitigate those risks, we ensure only highly trained individuals perform these techniques and we only use single-use, sterile needles to prevent any risk of infection. Your practitioner will explain any potential risks to you at the time of your treatment, specific to the area you are having treated. Most commonly after a dry needling treatment, mild soreness is felt in those areas that were treated.

What Are The Benefits of Dry Needling?

Dry needling can be used to increase local blood flow to the target tissue and release muscle and soft tissue tension. Dry needling is also used to reduce pain by influencing the nervous system and stimulating the release of endorphins and serotonin.

Should I Avoid Certain Things After Dry Needling?

Following a dry needling session, patients should avoid icing the area that has been treated, stay away from alcohol and avoid overworking and stressing the area that has been needled. Heat can be beneficial after dry needling to aid with mild soreness and light exercise and movements is encouraged!

Where Is Dry Needling Most Effective?

Dry needling can effectively treat many musculoskeletal conditions. Commonly treated conditions that can be improved with dry needling include:

  • Rotator cuff pain person getting ims
  • Iliotibial band syndrome
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Knee pain relief 
  • Low back pain
  • Tennis and golfer’s elbow
  • Neck pain
  • Impaired range of motion
  • Whiplash, sports injuries
  • Headaches
  • Jaw pain


If you are curious about dry needling or acupuncture, ask your Peak Practitioner today about how it might benefit you! If you have any questions or are looking to try out dry needling or acupuncture, you can book a discovery call HERE to find out what a good option for you might be.

Tracking Motor Milestones: What to Look For in Your Child

pediatric physiotherapy motor milestones calgary south

Written by Melissa Penman, Physiotherapist


If you are a parent, teacher, early childhood educator, or anyone who works closely with children, you may be familiar with the term motor milestones. My goal today is to break down these milestones to help you familiarize yourself with what to keep an eye on, and when it may be time to integrate pediatric physiotherapy into your child’s life!

What Are the Fundamental Motor Skills?

The fundamental motor skills are locomotor skills, postural skills, and object interaction skills. Locomotion skills involve movement and include walking, running, jumping, and skipping. Postural skills involve both stationary balance such as sitting and standing posture and moving balance such as climbing stairs or stepping over obstacles. 

Object interaction skills involve movements with an object such as throwing, catching, and kicking a ball, carrying something while walking, and doing the monkey bars.

What Are the Six Motor Milestones of a Child?

  1. Crawling
  2. Walking and Running
  3. Walking Up and Down Stairs
  4. Jumping
  5. Skipping and Galloping
  6. Throwing and Catching

What Are the Physical Motor Development Milestones?

Here are some physical motor development milestones to watch for as your child grows. You will notice there is always a wide range as it is very normal for children to have some variance in these skill development timelines!

0-3 monthsphysiotherapist with baby

  • Bringing both hands to the mouth
  • Rotating head left to right
  • Lifting head when on tummy

3-6 months

  • Bringing feet to the mouth
  • Pushing through palms with straight arms when on tummy
  • Rolling

6-9 months

  • Sitting independentlykids physiotherapy calgary south
  • Rolling tummy to back and back to tummy
  • Pushes up on hands and knees from tummy

9-12 months

  • Pulling to stand on objects
  • Crawling on hands and knees
  • Standing independently for a few seconds

12-18 months

  • Walking independently

2 yearspediatric physiotherapy calgary south

  • Kicking a ball
  • Rolling or tossing a ball
  • Goes upstairs with help

5 years

  • Mature running pattern
  • Balance on one leg for 10 seconds
  • Goes up and down stairs while alternating feet

How Do You Teach Pediatric Milestones?

Paediatric physiotherapists can help teach pediatric milestones through play including obstacle courses, positioning strategies and targeted skill practice with a focus on making things fun while building strength and endurance. It’s not just about learning the movement, it’s about symmetry and the quality of the movement as well! 

A pediatric physiotherapist can help to make sure that your child can hop evenly on both feet, crawl on both hands and knees, and can walk up and down the stairs alternating their legs, and many other skills that are important for participation in everyday life activities.

What Are the Three Principles of Motor Learning?

The 3 principles of motor learning are acquisition, retention, and transfer. To best explain these, we’ll use the example of learning how to jump.

  • Acquisition is learning a new skill. For jumping, this could look like breaking the movement down into its different pieces like bending and straightening the knees, swinging the arms for momentum, clearing the ground, and landing safely. It could mean physically assisting the movement or using tools and structures like a trampoline to help learn the movement.
  • Retention is the ability to remember the skill. The key to retention is repetition. Once a child has acquired the skill, repetition of the movement helps build those motor patterns. To use our example, retention would mean that your child is jumping by bending and straightening their knees, using appropriate arm swinging for momentum, and clearing the ground consistently.
  • Transfer is the ability to apply the skill to activities at school, home, and in the community like skipping rope, jumping into a swimming pool, or jumping over a puddle.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to motor milestones in children, keep in mind that it is normal to see variability from child to child! If you are wondering if your child is on the right track, if you have questions about motor milestones in children, or want some help facilitating the development of these skills, book in today for a discovery call with myself HERE.


Newell, K. M. (2020). What are Fundamental Motor Skills and What is Fundamental About Them?, Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 8(2), 280-314. Retrieved Mar 20, 2023, from

Kinactive Kids

Common Running Injuries and How to Prevent Them

physiotherapy for running injuries calgary south

Written by Dr. Claire Wells, Chiropractor


Are you having pain during or after running? Whether you’ve been racing for years or just bought your first pair of running shoes, none of us are immune to pain and injury. Here are answers to some common questions you may be experiencing.

What Is the Most Common Running Injury?

Knee pain is the most common complaint, with hip pain coming in second. Common injuries include patellofemoral pain syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome, Achilles tendinopathy, medial tibial stress syndrome, tibialis posterior tendinopathy, plantar fasciopathy, and calf and hamstring muscle strains. Certain types of tissue are more prone to injury depending on variables like distance and speed, the total volume of training, and experience level in the sport.

What Causes Running Injuries?

It is usually impossible to pinpoint one specific factor that is to blame when you get injured. Here are some things to keep in mind based on the research in this area:

  • The NUMBER ONE risk factor for future injuries is a previous injury. This is why it is important to fully rehabilitate all injuries, no matter how severe. Being pain-free does not mean that the tissue is fully healed or that strength and function are restored.
  • Training errors can also play a huge role. 80% of running injuries are overuse injuries. Training volume (frequency, duration, and distance) and training intensity (how hard you’re working) are often poorly managed.
  • Shoe type does not predictably contribute to injury risk.
  • Gait biomechanics can play a role. Every run requires thousands to tens of thousands of steps, so the way you move with each step matters. Believe it or not, running is a skill!
  • Many non-sport factors play a role in how ready your body is to handle the stress of training, and in how sensitive your body is to pain. These include sleep, nutrition, hydration, mental health, emotional state, overall physical health, and life stressors.

How Do You Tell If A Running Injury Is Serious?

Here are some indications that you should get assessed:

  • Pain exceeds 3/10 (with 10/10 representing the worst pain you can imagine)
  • You notice swelling, redness, or another visible change in the pain location.
  • There was a sudden onset of pain with a clear mechanism of injury (ex: you rolled your ankle, or you felt/heard a “pop” when your knee twisted, etc.)
  • It used to hurt only at the start of runs, but now it hurts the whole time, worsens during your run, or starts to linger after you stop.
  • It does not improve with a few days off training.
  • You have tried stretching, foam rolling, medication, ice/heat, etc. and it’s persisting or worsening.
  • You have tingling, pins and needles, numbness, sharp shooting pain, and/or electric-like pain.

How Long Does a Running Injury Take to Heal?

It depends on things like the extent and duration of the injury, the type of tissue that is injured, and whether you are appropriately modifying what you’re doing. Here are some general timelines for tissue healing in an otherwise healthy body:

Physiotherapist Treating A Running Injury

  • Muscle: 2 weeks to 12 months (depending on severity)
  • Tendon: 2 weeks to 12+ months (depending on severity)
  • Bone: 6-12 weeks
  • Ligament: 2 weeks to 12 months (depending on severity)
  • Cartilage: 9+ months

It is important to keep in mind that these are timelines for tissue healing, not for return to sport at full capacity. Returning to running needs to be gradual and progressive but may take place before the tissue is completely healed.

What Is the Fastest Way To Heal a Running Injury?

Most injuries can be managed by modifying the variables of your training program and doing specific rehabilitative exercises. However, the specifics drastically vary based on the injury and the individual. For example, some injuries require total rest from weight-bearing on the injured leg, while some require heavy loading of the painful tissue, so it’s important to get assessed by a professional. 

Often, we can help manage symptoms with manual therapy (such as soft tissue treatment and joint mobilizations) and therapeutic modalities (such as acupuncture or dry needling, and Shockwave Therapy in Calgary South) to help get you back running as soon as possible.

Is Walking Good For Running Injuries?

Walking may be appropriate depending on the injury and whether walking recreates the pain that you have when you run. The problem with walking is that it doesn’t replicate the exercise intensity of running, so cross-training may be better if you want to maintain fitness. This could include cycling, cross-country skiing, or using an elliptical – whatever you have access to that doesn’t aggravate your pain. 

Again, it depends a lot on the injury you have, so it’s best to consult with your Chiropractor or physiotherapist. Once you are cleared to return to running, using walking in a run-walk progression is a helpful strategy that is supported by research.

When Can I Start Running Again After an Injury?

There are different approaches to this, but a good general rule would be that you need to be pain-free with walking and cross-training for 2+ weeks first and be able to perform basic single-leg strength and plyometric exercises with proper form and no pain. Some examples include:

Person On Treadmill

  • 30 seconds of single-leg squats at a rate that mimics your running cadence
  • 20+ reps of single-leg calf raises
  • 1 minute of double-leg hops; equal distance on both sides for a single-leg triple-hop test

The best thing to do would be to get assessed by a chiropractor or physiotherapist who can test for symmetrical and sufficient ranges of motion, balance, and strength. And be sure to follow a structured, gradual, and symptom-monitored return to running program when you do get back to it!

How Do Physiotherapists and Chiropractors Help Treat Running Injuries?

Both can help by assessing your injury, testing for movement dysfunction and strength imbalances, identifying training factors that may have contributed to your injury, and guiding you through the recovery process. They can make a plan to get you better based on your injury – including education, training modifications, specific exercises, and hands-on treatment.

At Peak Health And Performance, we offer a wide range of treatment options including Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy, Chiropractic Care and Concussion Care to address a variety of conditions and help improve your quality of life. Book your appointment today!

Some of the common conditions we can help with include:

  • Sports injuries
  • Musculoskeletal injuries
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain

Exercise Is Medicine for Osteoarthritis

exercise rehabilitation osteoarthritis calgary south

Written by Kate Thompson, Physiotherapist 


Many diagnoses and conditions are prescribed medication to help manage it. Diabetes is treated with insulin or high cholesterol with some variety of statin medication. For OA, one of the best-known treatment options is exercise, when dosed correctly and specific to you.

How Exercise Can Help Manage Your Osteoarthritis Symptoms

Ongoing research suggests that exercise can promote change both directly, at the joint, and indirectly, by improving your overall function and movement quality [1]. Osteoarthritis commonly involves the breakdown of the joint, inflammation, and decreased cell metabolism or turnover.

elderly man lifting weights

Studies show that exercise may have a protective effect on the joint by stimulating a process called ‘autophagy’, which recycles old and/or damaged cells into newer, healthier ones! [1] This is an amazing process that the body goes through that essentially goes out with the old, and in with the new.

Exercise can promote positive change indirectly as well, by improving stability and function by increasing muscle strength and helping you move in a way that distributes the load of your body more efficiently. One of the most well-known research programs studying the effect of exercise on individuals living with hip and knee osteoarthritis is called Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark (GLA:D). 

This consists of 2 weeks of education and 6 weeks of neuromuscular training led by a physiotherapist. In one GLA:D study with nearly 10,000 participants, pain intensity and quality of life improved significantly following the completion of the program! Furthermore, participants who completed the program reported they took fewer painkillers and took fewer sick days [2].

Introducing Peak Arthritis: A Physiotherapy Program for Osteoarthritis

The Peak Osteoarthritis Intervention Program is an 8-week exercise program that is based on GLA:D research and combines education and neuromuscular training to help individuals living with OA manage their symptoms and continue to participate in the activities they enjoy.

Participants will be assessed by a physiotherapist and be provided with a plan specific to them, and be guided through an 8-week exercise program at 2x 1-hr sessions/week. Sessions are structured as circuit training, where participants learn the fundamentals of strength training in a way that is of special benefit to Osteoarthritic joints. 

You start by learning the fundamentals of how to hinge, squat and lunge and then we progressively load these movements, based on your ability levels. You will have 1:1 sessions with a physiotherapist throughout your program, and have access to group exercise facilities to perform your exercises.

What Are the Goals of the Program?

The ultimate goal of the program is to help you be able to do more of the things you love in life. We want to help you feel fulfilled and happy. Whether that is being able to feel like you can go up and down the stairs without clinging on to a railing, being able to walk 3 blocks instead of 1, getting back into an exercise routine, playing tennis, getting back into golf, whatever your WHY is! Let our Peak Health physio know what your goals are at the beginning of the program and you can set realistic expectations together for what you hope to achieve from the program.

senior man working out


Short-term goals for how to help you achieve your longer-term goal are as follows:

  • Get stronger
  • Move smarter
  • Gain confidence (In the way you move, in your ability to complete daily tasks, in your knowledge about what OA is and how it affects your body)

How Do I Know if I Would Be a Good Fit for the Program?

There is no specific age requirement for participation in this program! We welcome beginner to experienced exercisers and most levels of OA patients (mild OA to severe OA). Regardless of your experience with exercise, we will adapt the program to your unique ability level. 

You may not be a good fit for the program if you are unable to stand or walk independently without a higher-level gait aid such as a walker. If you would like more information to know if you would be a good fit for the program, please call the clinic at 403-287-7325 and you can request that the lead physiotherapist for the program call you with more information.

We can’t WAIT to see how exercise rehabilitation can help you move better!

Book a discovery call with our physiotherapist Kate today HERE.

At Peak Health And Performance, we offer a wide range of treatment options including massage therapy and concussion care to address a variety of conditions and help improve your quality of life. Some of the common conditions we can help with include:

  • Poor posture
  • Connective tissue issues
  • Knee injuries and Knee pain
  • Joint pain relief
  • Impaired range of motion


  1. Kong H, Wang XQ, Zhang XA. Exercise for Osteoarthritis: A Literature Review of Pathology and Mechanism. Front Aging Neurosci. 2022 May 3;14:854026. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.854026. PMID: 35592699; PMCID: PMC9110817.
  2. Skou ST, Roos EM. Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark (GLA:D™): evidence-based education and supervised neuromuscular exercise delivered by certified physiotherapists nationwide. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2017 Feb 7;18(1):72. doi: 10.1186/s12891-017-1439-y. PMID: 28173795; PMCID: PMC5297181.

The Myths and Misconceptions About Osteoarthritis

senior man lifting barbell

Written by Kate Thompson, Physiotherapist


What Are Some Common Myths About Osteoarthritis?

Although a very common diagnosis, there seem to be many misconceptions about what Osteoarthritis is or what may affect it. Let’s dive into some of these together! 

Myth #1: I Heard That Running Gives You OA

 “I enjoy running for exercise. I don’t think I have Osteoarthritis, but I have heard that continuing to run long distances can put me at risk for developing Osteoarthritis.”

What the research says: Research has shown that both non-runners and runners exposed to high-volume training loads (>92 km/week) have higher rates of Osteoarthritis than recreational runners [1]. Therefore, due to the numerous other health benefits of running, it is not sound advice to tell recreational runners to stop running [1,2].

It is important to consider that these studies do not account for other risk factors of Osteoarthritis, such as age, previous trauma and obesity, which may have had an effect on the results of these studies. 

Myth #2: Running Will Worsen My OA.

 “I have Osteoarthritis and have been told that I should stop running, as it will make my Osteoarthritis worse.”

senior couple doing sport outdoors

What the research says: There have been a variety of studies that have found that running does not appear to accelerate the progression of existing knee OA in runners >50 years of age [1]. There have however been some small-scale studies that have suggested that individuals with OA who run may require increased recovery time from running [1]. 

Therefore, it is recommended that if an individual has OA, enjoys running, and is managing their symptoms well, they should continue to run as long as they monitor running frequency to ensure adequate recovery time between bouts [1]. For example, if you run 3 days/week, I would recommend spreading the runs out throughout the week instead of running 3 days consecutively.

Myth #3: I Have OA so I Can’t Do Anything Fun Anymore.

 “I have been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis and have been told to stick to ‘low-impact’ activities. I want to continue to play hockey for as long as I can but I am nervous that it will make my OA worse.”

active senior tennis playerWhat the research says: There have been multiple studies to suggest that long-term participation in high-impact activities are not associated with the development of OA [2,3]. That being said, these studies are limited, as it is challenging to control for other risk factors of Osteoarthritis. Thus, it may be more productive to make these decisions based on your current symptoms. 

For example, if you experience a mild increase in pain while playing hockey, however, the pain returns to your baseline by the next day, it is likely safe for you to continue playing. On the contrary, if playing hockey increases your pain significantly after playing and takes 2-3 days to return to baseline levels, I would recommend discontinuing until you have a thorough assessment from a physiotherapist in Calgary. 

The physiotherapist will be able to tell you if playing hockey is a realistic goal, and if it is, they can help you make activity modifications and provide you with exercises to help you return to hockey with fewer symptoms! If it is not a realistic goal for you, they will help you find other ways to stay active in a way that fits with your lifestyle and your goals. 

Myth #4: I Have OA in My Back so I Can’t Twist.

“I have Osteoarthritis in my spine. I was told I should avoid bending forward or twisting.”

What the research says: What you do with your spine is not as important as how you do it. Your spine is made to twist and bend, however, over time some of these movements can become stiff and painful. 

Gentle mobility exercises and performing movements that load your spine such as squats, hinges, pushes and pulls can make your spine more resilient and allow you to complete your daily activities with less irritation and risk of injury.

Myth #5: There Is a One Size Fits All Plan for OA

“I heard that there is one specific exercise program that you can do that will help you manage Osteoarthritis symptoms.”

What the research says: Exercise is a leading treatment approach for Osteoarthritis, however, there is no ‘one size fits all’ formula to exercising with Osteoarthritis [4]. A great place to start is learning how to squat, hinge, lunge, push and pull with good technique, as these are movements that occur naturally throughout the day as you complete daily activities. 

For example, you have to squat to sit on a chair, lunge to get up the stairs, and hinge to unload your dishwasher. Factors such as the weight you lift, distance you move, and sets/reps you complete should vary based on your symptoms and fitness level.

In summary, every individual is unique and your presentation requires a specific exercise and management plan designed for you. Contact Peak today to see if you would be a good candidate for a physiotherapy assessment and personalized exercise rehabilitation plan to help manage your OA. Click HERE to book your discovery call today. 

At Peak Health And Performance, we offer a wide range of treatment options including massage therapy and concussion care to address a variety of conditions and help improve your quality of life. Some of the common conditions we can help with include:

  • Poor posture
  • Connective tissue issues
  • Knee injuries and Knee pain
  • Joint pain relief
  • Impaired range of motion



  1. Alexander JLN, Willy RW, Culvenor AG, et al. Infographic. Running Myth: recreational running causes knee osteoarthritis. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2022;56:357-358.
  2. Horga LM, Henckel J, Fotiadou A, et al 3.0 T MRI findings of 104 hips of asymptomatic adults: from non-runners to ultra-distance runners. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 2021;7:e000997. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2020-000997
  3. Chang AH, Lee J, Chmiel JS, Almagor O, Song J, Sharma L. Association of Long-term Strenuous Physical Activity and Extensive Sitting With Incident Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis. JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(5):e204049. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.4049
  4. Kong H, Wang XQ, Zhang XA. Exercise for Osteoarthritis: A Literature Review of Pathology and Mechanism. Front Aging Neurosci. 2022 May 3;14:854026. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.854026. PMID: 35592699; PMCID: PMC9110817.

Osteoarthritis: A Brief Introduction

physiotherapy treatment for osteoarthritis calgary south

Written by Kate Thompson, Physiotherapist 

So You’ve Been Told You Have Osteoarthritis. You’ve Landed on The Right Page…

What Is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease that commonly affects joints of the body such as the hip and knee, shoulders and hands [1], and is a lot more common than people think. If we zoom into what is going on at the joint, it helps paint a picture of what is actually going on when an individual develops OA.

A joint is where two bones come together, and serve the function of absorbing and distributing mechanical load in your body [1]. A healthy joint should have cartilage covering the surface of the bones, enough space between the bones so they do not rub against each other, as well as ligaments and muscles surrounding them to support them and keep them stable.

OA results in changes to the cartilage, bone and joint space, and can also affect the surrounding ligaments, tendons and muscles [1]. As a result, the structure and function of the joint change which can result in symptoms such as pain, stiffness and instability [1].

normal knee joint vs osteoarthritis



“If you have knee osteoarthritis, you may feel unsteady when putting all of your weight through one leg while going down the stairs. This is because the muscles, ligaments, and joint structure are not able to support and disperse the weight of your body as it normally should.”


Who Is at Risk of Developing OA?

Known risk factors for developing OA include [1]:

  • Aging
  • Obesity
  • Genetics
  • Previous trauma/injury to the area
  • Gender (females have a higher incidence than males)
  • Hormones and metabolic disease

It is important to note, however, that OA is not inevitable if you have one of these risk factors! For example, although aging increases your risk of developing OA, not everyone who ages develops OA [1].

My Doctor Diagnosed Me With Osteoarthritis, but I Have Never Had an X-Ray. Do I Need One To Confirm the Diagnosis?

This is a tricky subject. In the past, it was common practice for health practitioners to refer patients for X-rays to guide the diagnosis of musculoskeletal conditions. Newer research, however, has identified that there may not always be a strong correlation between imaging findings and patient symptoms [2,3]. 

For example, if you took 100 people off the street and took an X-ray of their knees, some people without any knee pain at all may have X-rays that indicate OA, and some people with severe, debilitating knee pain may have X-ray results showing a healthy joint. In addition, if you are an older adult, it is common for there to be structural abnormalities found on your imaging that simply have developed over time and are not related to your symptoms at all [2].

Therefore, recent recommendations advise that OA should be diagnosed based on your symptoms, instead of through X-ray.

doctor showing knee x-ray to patient

For example, if your symptoms follow a typical presentation of OA, such as joint pain, stiffness in the morning lasting <30 mins, crepitus with movement and weakness/instability, it is acceptable to be diagnosed without a referral for an X-ray [2,3]. 

Your doctor may request an X-ray if you have an atypical presentation and/or if there is suspicion of a different diagnosis2. Examples of an atypical presentation may include severe local inflammation, redness around the joint and rapid, progressive pain that is unrelated to use [2].

How Do I Know When I Need Surgery?

A better question might be, “How do I know if I need surgery?”. It’s important to consider that not everyone diagnosed with OA requires a joint replacement! It is recommended that patients diagnosed with OA try conservative management for a significant period of time to manage their symptoms, improve function and delay further changes to the joint structure [4]. 

The Osteoarthritis Research Society International suggests that NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and exercise have the highest level of evidence for improving knee and hip OA symptoms [4]. If you have spent a significant amount of time trying conservative methods and still are unable to manage your pain, and your pain is considerably impacting your quality of life, it may be time to have a conversation with your doctor about other options.

Although there is significant evidence demonstrating that joint replacement surgery can improve symptoms, function and quality of life, surgical candidates are often under-educated about the risks of surgery and what the recovery process might look like [5]. For example, it can take months of physiotherapy to restore your mobility and strength following surgery. 

Furthermore, you may still experience pain in the months following surgery as you progress through rehab to optimize your new joint function. In addition, there is a risk that you may not regain a full range of motion following surgery [5]. 

It is important to remember that everyone has a unique anatomy, fitness level, stress level, and life experiences going into surgery and all of these factors will play a role in your recovery. If you are currently waiting for surgery, it is important to consult with a Peak Health physiotherapist on how you can best prepare for the surgery to optimize your outcomes after the operation.

To learn more about Osteoarthritis, check out our other blogs on the topic or reach out to me directly at [email protected]! I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have on how physiotherapy and exercise rehabilitation can help you manage your OA diagnosis.

To book a free discovery call with me, click here.

At Peak Health And Performance, we offer a wide range of treatment options including massage therapy to address a variety of conditions and help you get back to your daily activities pain-free. Some of the common conditions we can help with include:

  • Poor posture
  • Connective tissue issues
  • Knee injuries
  • Joint pain relief


  1. He Y, Li Z, Alexander PG, Ocasio-Nieves BD, Yocum L, Lin H, Tuan RS. Pathogenesis of Osteoarthritis: Risk Factors, Regulatory Pathways in Chondrocytes, and Experimental Models. Biology. 2020; 9(8):194.
  2. Xia Wang, Win Min Oo, James M Linklater, What is the role of imaging in the clinical diagnosis of osteoarthritis and disease management?, Rheumatology, Volume 57, Issue suppl_4, May 2018, Pages iv51–iv60,
  3. Wood G, Neilson J, Cottrell E, Hoole S P. Osteoarthritis in people over 16: diagnosis and management—updated summary of NICE guidance BMJ 2023; 380 :p24 doi:10.1136/bmj.p24
  4. Bannuru RR, Osani MC, Vaysbrot EE, Arden NK, Bennell K, Bierma-Zeinstra SMA, Kraus VB, Lohmander LS, Abbott JH, Bhandari M, Blanco FJ, Espinosa R, Haugen IK, Lin J, Mandl LA, Moilanen E, Nakamura N, Snyder-Mackler L, Trojian T, Underwood M, McAlindon TE. OARSI guidelines for the non-surgical management of knee, hip, and polyarticular osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2019 Nov;27(11):1578-1589. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2019.06.011. Epub 2019 Jul 3. PMID: 31278997.
  5. Beswick AD, Wylde V, Gooberman-Hill R, Blom A, Dieppe P. What proportion of patients report long-term pain after total hip or knee replacement for osteoarthritis? A systematic review of prospective studies in unselected patients. BMJ Open. 2012 Feb 22;2(1):e000435. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2011-000435. PMID: 22357571; PMCID: PMC3289991.

Peak Prenatal Program

pregnant woman holding stomach

Written by Helen Lo, Physiotherapist 

Are you or is someone you know pregnant? If so, we have some exciting news to share!

Introducing… Peak Prenatal, a comprehensive Peak Program designed to empower women to conquer all stages of pregnancy from conception to delivery!

HelenMy name is Helen, and I am a pelvic floor physiotherapist at Peak Health Kids. Over the past several years I have worked with a number of women through pregnancy and a common theme I came across was how little people truly know about this process and how unsupported they feel throughout it.

From this came the idea of Peak Prenatal, a community for educating and preparing parents for what to expect with pregnancy, labour, delivery, and everything in between.

At Peak Prenatal, we understand that pregnancy is a time of great physical and emotional changes. That’s why we offer a comprehensive program designed to empower women to conquer all stages of pregnancy from conception to delivery. 

Our prenatal physiotherapy services and pelvic floor therapy in Calgary are tailored to meet the unique needs of each woman throughout her journey.  

Peak Prenatal will give you an all-access pass to: 

– An initial 60 minute prenatal physiotherapy assessment and a 30 minute prenatal follow-up session to assess your pelvic floor issues, core, address pain, and prepare you for delivery

– A 45 minute re-evaluation after delivery to reassess your pelvic floor and determine a plan for your goals postpartum

– Four group education sessions and a take-home booklet filled with all you need to help you on your pregnancy journey

– Access to a private community forum to share common questions, concerns, tips, milestones, grief, and everything from prenatal to postpartum

– Access to a specialty referral network of massage therapists, chiropractors, trainers, naturopaths

– Access to a private library of YouTube videos demonstrating all the exercises that will be recommended 


Will I need more than an assessment and follow-up before I give birth? 

Potentially! If you struggle with engaging your pelvic floor muscles or would like some extra support managing pain through your pregnancy, you may benefit from additional sessions before delivery. 

But don’t worry, with each assessment, you will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns and your goals with your pelvic floor therapist and come up with a plan that will work for you. 


What will the education sessions include? 

Education sessions will be 1 hour in length and offered in-person at Peak Health Kids in the evening. Each session is led by a pelvic health physiotherapist. 

Session 1: This introduction to pelvic health physiotherapy will include information about the pelvic floor function and anatomy, pelvic muscles, changes that occur during pregnancy, the basics of pelvic floor engagement, normal urinary and bowel frequency, and reviewing common myths associated with pregnancy. 

Session 2: We will cover common pregnancy concerns such as pelvic pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, abdominal separation (rectus diastasis), urinary incontinence, exercise and physical therapy. 

Session 3: We will start to discuss labour and delivery, pelvic floor relaxation, and the perineal massage. 

Session 4 will review all things after delivery such as when to see your pelvic floor therapist, exercise recommendations, bladder and bowel concerns, returning to sexual intercourse, C-section specific considerations, prolapse and pessaries, and what to consider with baby! 


Can I use my health benefits to pay for this? 

Absolutely! You will be able to bill these sessions through physiotherapy or any additional health spending account you have access to. Our team will be happy to help you navigate this. 


Next steps 

The prenatal period can be an exciting time but also can be a time filled with a lot of uncertainty. Peak Prenatal is a program designed to help ease your concerns, answer your questions, and provide a community to support you throughout your pregnancy. Book your discovery call today to speak with Helen and learn more about Peak Prenatal.


Pregnancy-Related Pelvic Girdle Pain

woman holding stomach pelvic pain

Written by Helen Lo, Physiotherapist

What is it Related Pelvic Girdle Pain? 

Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain is a specific category of pelvic pain that impacts women during pregnancy. 

It is characterized by pain in the lower back, hips, and/or pubic area that can be exacerbated by certain activities such as walking, climbing stairs, or even just standing for long periods of time. PGP can have a significant impact on quality of life.

The cause of this pain is multi-factorial and is often influenced by biopsychosocial factors. This is essentially the fancy name for any pelvic, hip, and/or low back pain during pregnancy!

How Common is This?

It is reported that between 25-65% of women experience pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy! It is most common for this pain to develop during weeks 14-30 of gestation. 

Risk factors for developing PRPGP

There are a  wide range of risk factors for PRPGP, including:

– Previous pregnancy
– Previous history of low back pain
– Increased BMI
– Smoking
– Work dissatisfaction
– Previous trauma
– A lack of belief of improvement

A Change in Perspective

Previously, the messaging delivered was that the hormones released during pregnancy caused widespread relaxation of our ligaments leading to instability of our joints and thus causing pain. 

Research now is showing that the hormones don’t cause widespread instability and instead increase the sensitivity of our tissues causing the sensation of pain. It is important to understand that pain is an experience, differs from person to person, and can occur in the absence of any structural tissue changes. 

How Can Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Help?

Although common, we don’t want pelvic girdle pain to dictate your pregnancy and slow you down in any way. 

Pelvic floor physiotherapy is an approach to treatment that can target some of the root causes of this pain and help facilitate an action plan to make you feel better.

Pelvic floor physical therapy (PGP) is a specialized form of physical therapy that focuses on the muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues in the pelvic region. 

It can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including urinary and fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, chronic pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction, and postpartum rehabilitation.

Physiotherapy treatment could include:

1. Manual therapy including joint mobilization and/or soft tissue release both internally and externally
2. Introducing pain free movement
3. Taping for the low back or belly for increased support
4. Support belts

Consider Trying This: 

The Fitsplint 

This product is a great way to help relieve lower back pain, pelvic pain, or bladder pressure. It is lightweight, breathable, and can be used during exercise! You can find the fitsplint at any Peak Health location and a therapist would be more than happy to help fit you for the correct size. 

Don’t Let Pain During Pregnancy Stop You! 

Pain is one of the most common symptoms reported during pregnancy but it doesn’t have to be. With the help of a pelvic floor physiotherapist, you can learn many strategies to help reduce your pain and remain active throughout your pregnancy. Book your discovery call today to learn more about how Peak Health physiotherapy in Calgary can help. 


  1. Clinton, S. C., Newell, A., Downey, P. A., & Ferreira, K. (2017). Pelvic girdle pain in the antepartum population: Physical therapy clinical practice guidelines linked to the International Classification of functioning, disability, and health from the section on Women’s health and the orthopaedic section of the American Physical Therapy Association. Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy, 41(2), 102–125.

Guidelines for Physical Activity During Pregnancy

pregnant woman walking

Written by Helen Lo, Physiotherapist

For anyone out there wondering if it is safe to exercise during pregnancy, let me be the first to tell you YES, and it’s encouraged! 

Traditionally, medical advice during pregnancy included reducing exertion and avoiding strength training out of fear of causing potential harm to the baby and injury to Mom. 

New research1,2 has proved the complete opposite; showing that there are actually a wide range of benefits to exercising during pregnancy including:

1. Improved aerobic and muscular fitness
2. Promotion of appropriate maternal weight gain
3. Facilitating labour
4. Preventing gestational glucose intolerance
5. Preventing pregnancy-induced hypertension

In fact, not exercising during pregnancy has been associated with risk of:

1. Loss of muscular and cardiovascular fitness
2. Excessive maternal weight gain
3. Increased risk of gestational diabetes
4. Increased risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension
5. Pelvic floor dysfunction
6. Varicose veins
7. Deep vein thrombosis
8. Higher incidences of low back pain
9. Poor psychological adjustment to the physical changes of pregnancy

Guidelines for Physical Activity During Pregnancy 

1. All women that are deemed medically safe to exercise should be physically active throughout pregnancy.
2. Physical activity should be accumulated over a minimum of 3 days per week, however it’s encouraged to be active everyday.
3. Incorporate a variety of aerobic exercise, resistance training, and yoga or gentle stretching for maximum benefit.
4. Pelvic floor muscle training on a daily basis to reduce the risk of urinary incontinence.

The Goal of Exercise During Pregnancy 

Keep in mind, the goal with exercise during pregnancy is to maintain your current level of physical health. Avoid trying to reach peak fitness or train for an athletic competition. If you have never exercised before, a great place to start is 30 minutes of walking daily. 

Below you will find some recommended exercises for pregnancy. The parameters are generalized, and should only be used as a guide. If you are uncertain about how these exercises may work for you, please call to chat with our Peak Health physiotherapist and we can get you on the right track! 

Please speak with your doctor to obtain medical clearance before participating in any physical activity. 

Try These 3 Exercises to Get Moving 

Squat with a Ball 

Starting position: Place the physio ball against the wall and stand with your back supported by the ball. 

Execution: Squat down moving with the ball, return to standing position. 

Parameters: Sets: 1-2 sets, Reps: 10-12



Starting position: Start in a crawling position on your hands and knees, ensure hips and shoulders are at 90°. 

Execution: At the same time, lift one arm straight out front and lift the opposite leg straight back, return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite arm and leg. 

Parameters: Sets: 1-2 sets, Reps: 6-8 per side


Leg lifts

Starting position: Sidelying. 

Execution: Lift the top leg up towards the ceiling, hold for 2-3 seconds, lower leg back down.

Parameters: Sets: 1-2 sets, Reps: 8-10 per side

Next Steps 

Exercise during pregnancy is safe, recommended, and with the help of a pelvic floor physiotherapist, can ensure maintenance of your current fitness level and overall health. 

Book your discovery call today to see how pelvic health physiotherapy can support you throughout your pregnancy!


  1. Barakat, R., Refoyo, I., Coteron, J., & Franco, E. (2019). Exercise during pregnancy has a preventative effect on excessive maternal weight gain and gestational diabetes. A randomized controlled trial. Brazilian journal of physical therapy, 23(2), 148-155.
  2. Vargas-Terrones, M., Nagpal, T. S., & Barakat, R. (2019). Impact of exercise during pregnancy on gestational weight gain and birth weight: an overview. Brazilian journal of physical therapy, 23(2), 164-169.
  3. Clinton, S. C., Newell, A., Downey, P. A., & Ferreira, K. (2017). Pelvic girdle pain in the antepartum population: physical therapy clinical practice guidelines linked to the international classification of functioning, disability, and health from the Section on Women’s Health and the Orthopaedic Section of the American Physical Therapy Association. Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy, 41(2), 102-125.

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy: What Is It and Who Can It Help?

pregnant woman sitting

Written by Helen Lo, Physiotherapist


Contrary to popular belief, good pelvic floor health is a lot more than “just doing kegels”. Sometimes, it is even the opposite and there is a large focus on pelvic floor relaxation. 

What is Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?

Pelvic floor physiotherapy is a specialized area of physiotherapy that requires additional training to assess the strength, tone, and function of the pelvic floor through internal and external examinations. 

The pelvic floor muscles collectively form a bowl at the base of your pelvis. These muscles work together to support your organs, control continence, provide stability for your low back and pelvis, move fluid through the pelvic girdle, and increase blood flow to the organs that control erection and orgasm. 

Key Terms

Stress Urinary Incontinence: Uncontrolled urine leakage when you cough, sneeze, or jump

Overactive Bladder: The feeling of a frequent urge to empty your bladder

Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The feeling of heaviness or pressure in the vagina due to 1 or more organs dropping down as the muscles and tissues in the pelvic region are no longer able to support them


Dyspareunia: Pain with intercourse either before, during, or after

Rectus Diastasis: An observable bulge through the abdomen due to the separation of the “6-pack” abdominal muscles that can commonly occur during during pregnancy or postpartum.

Would You Need Pelvic Floor Physio?

1. Do you struggle with uncontrolled leakage of urine or stool (incontinence)?
2. Are you constantly feeling the urge to pee (urgency)?
3. Do you feel a heaviness or pressure in your pelvic region?
4. Do you experience pelvic pain, low back, hip pain, or painful intercourse (dyspareunia)?
5. Have you received a diagnosis or experienced symptoms of endometriosis?
6. Did your abdominals separate (rectus diastasis) during or after pregnancy?
7. Do you experience pain when passing stool or infrequent bowel movements (constipation)?
8. Does your child wet the bed?
9. Prenatal care
10. Postpartum care

If you answered yes to any of these questions, or if you fall into the pre or post natal window, you are a perfect candidate for pelvic floor physiotherapy! Although many of these symptoms are very common in the general population, it does not mean it’s normal or that you have to settle for these symptoms. Pelvic floor physio can help! 

Who Should See a Pelvic Floor PhysiotherapistSo…Who Should See a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist? 

The short answer is anyone! A Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist can help whether you are pregnant with your first child, a competitive olympic weightlifter experiencing leakage with each lift, a child that is missing sleepovers due to wetting the bed, or someone experiencing pain with intercourse. 

What to Expect at Your First Appointment:

During your first visit, expect a comprehensive 60 minute 1-on1 assessment between you and your therapist. Your pelvic floor therapist will start by taking the time to listen to your concerns, medical history, and goals of treatment. Following this, you will be taken through the hands-on portion of the assessment which could include an external and internal examination (if deemed appropriate and agreed upon by you). 

Although an internal examination (vaginal or rectal) is considered the “gold standard” to assess the pelvic floor, your therapist will meet you at your comfort level and walk you through each stage of the assessment. Don’t worry if you choose not to have an internal examination, there is still plenty of valuable information that can be gained from an external assessment! There are even times when an internal exam is not recommended such as when working with kids. 

At the end of the first appointment, your therapist will review their findings and provide you with a detailed plan of action tailored to you and your goals.


What does an internal pelvic exam entail?

An internal exam consists of a digital exam conducted either vaginally or rectally.

Is it safe to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist while pregnant?

Yes, we actually recommend all women come in for an assessment after their 1st trimester. This helps us to obtain a baseline of strength and can help guide you through a comfortable pregnancy. If your doctor or midwife has advised you against sexual intercourse, we will proceed without conducting an internal examination. 

Can I still come to my appointment if I am on my period?

Yes! If, however, you are uncomfortable with coming in during this time, you can reschedule your appointment. 

How soon after delivery should I come to pelvic floor physiotherapy?

6 weeks after delivery. We usually recommend coming in for an internal exam following your 6 week check-up with your doctor or midwife. However, if you are experiencing significant pain, bowel concerns, and/or bladder or urinary dysfunction, feel free to come in sooner. 

Don’t Let Your Pelvic Floor Limit You!

Many people may tell you your pelvic floor symptoms are normal but they are not! Your pelvic floor physiotherapist is here to prove to you that although leaking urine and prolapse may be common pelvic floor concerns, there is hope and it can get better with professional help. Click below to book an appointment and take back control of your pelvic floor!